Wekah Berhad is a holding company established in 2017 as the first of few Malaysia’s Mandarin Education Institution service provider.
It provides one of the finest educational and service ecosystems in place. Wekah opens their doors to talents who are passionate in education and seek to create an online platform for education or corporate training. The training services include branding strategy, branding incubation, creativity mindfield, entrepreneur café and WeChat online business integration with education. Wekah launches a series of educational courses to assist SMEs in their queries of growing their businesses and guide to evolve their business models to match the latest market trend. Weekah positions themselves to help their business partners and clients to discover a smoother path of evolution and transformation for their business. Wekah believes in order to achieve business sustainability today, it all boils down to meticulous identification of market trends and crafting a unique selling point for any product.